Bruckner Sprachendienste  
Building bridges of communication  

Translation services

Only qualified expert specialists work in our team. We are translators with a university degree or a state examination and long years of translation practice. Every one of us does translations in her or his special fields.

We translate your texts or documents in a professional style, at a moderate price and always on time. In order to secure quality consistence, we prepare our translations following the regulations of  DIN 2345.

Services offered:

Certified translations
Editing and proofreading

If you would like to place a larger project with us, please request an estimate, without any commitment and free of costs.

For translations of texts up to 10 pages we offer the following services:

  • Standard service
    Your translation will be finished as soon as possible. Maximum: 8 days.

  • Urgent matters
    Within a maximum of 48 hours (on weekdays).

  • Weekend service
    From Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Texts that are available to us by Friday, 4 p.m. will be delivered by Monday, 10 a.m.


Our basis of calculation is the translated amount of text. The costs vary with the languages, the sort of text and the deadline.

If you would like to know exactly the costs of your translation, please send us the text in question as a file by e-mail or by fax. We will answer your inquiry immediately.

Minimum charge for initial orders: Euro 30.00 plus VAT if applicable.

-> Enquiry/Order

Please consider:

Translating is a task for professionals. As, in Germany and other countries, the title of „translator” is not legally protected, there are „low-cost suppliers“ in the market who lack a qualification as well as sufficient training. Accordingly, they are not up to the job of translating a text in a professional style. However, it is more important than ever these days to present a professional image to business partners or prospective clients. A cheap translation will usually not meet these expectations. And a really good translation can be provided at a moderate, but not a cheap price.

Some interesting facts about translating and translators

The art of translating has been held in high esteem for thousands of years. With the translations of correspondence, contracts and works of science, for example in ancient Egypt or India, channels of communication opened up and new worlds of thought were revealed. And what was right then is still true today: someone with a good command of a language need not necessarily be a good translator. A professional training is only one prerequisite - a profound knowledge of the cultural and sociological background and of different mentalities is required.

Good translators are experts in their fields of translation. They will employ the correct style, the up-to-date technical terminology and, if required, their creativity to render the spirit of the source language exactly in their translations.This is the only way to meet the requirements of each individual translation – and that applies not only to, for example, a scientific essay, but also to a company profile or a menu.